Q&A with Nina Hastie

21_ Q&A Nina HastieNINA HASTIE is one of South Africa’s up and coming female comedians’. You might recognise her as a regular on shows like Late Night News with Loyiso, Next of Next Week, Cliff Central and more. She will also be performing in an upcoming show with Nik Rabinowits called “What the EFF”. She spoke to Wits Vuvuzela about freedom of speech for comedians in South Africa.   


Do you think South Africa allows for comedians to freely express themselves?


Absolutely, where else are you able to talk about our presidents “Special Showers”, his nine wives and his 365 kids for each day of the year?


Why do you think comedians get away with saying some of the things they say?


I think that it is all about the approach. Many artists have great material but don’t know how to deliver it, so it comes off as really rude.
It takes time to work on this skill and perfect a set so as to not just come across as a screamer.


Where do you think the line between freedom of expression and hate speech is for comedians?


There is a line?? Ooops.


Are their some topics that comedians should avoid?


Personal issues such as rape and the holocaust are not ideal. You also wouldn’t pick on something out of people’s control such as a disability. Just ask them if they are lazy.


Have you ever said something you regret? If so how did you deal with it?


A few time’s I have pushed the bar to see how far I can take an audience with me. You just tone it back down and be quick with what you say next.


First published in Wits Vuvuzela